He would preach
about how if Nang
Matri had not
followed Pra
Duassandorn into the
forest. Then he
would have been a
spinster. He would
then preach about
spinsters, female
and male, and tell
how if this person
was left by his
wife, that he must
be intolerable, and
if a woman was
without husband, its
must be because this
or that. People who
were spinsters or
widows would not be
able to sit in the
Sala and listen, for
embarrassment, and
would have to go
hide behind a wall
or a tree to listen
to the sermon. It
became clear then,
that Luang Por Guay
did not have the art
of preaching very
polished. Some
people would even
break out in tears
listening to his
sermons about being
a lonely spinster.
The real reason why
he could not give
sermons using the
Vessantara jataka,
was that it is
necessary to use
quirkiness and humor
to tell the tale and
make parables. Luang
Por Guay did not
like to behave in
this manner. In
order to evade
embarassments, Luang
Por evaded preaching
by going to learn
traditional medicine
with Hmor Khian, who
was famous for being
able to suppress
plagues and
epidemics. In Koke
Chang village many
people were dying
from an epidemic,
and even all the
other doctors had

Only Hmor Khian
remained who was
able to cure the
‘Roke Khai Torapis’
disease which was
quickly killing off
all the villagers.
On the 19th May
2472, Pra Guay began
to learn
Dhamma), in order to
develop in his
understanding and
practice of the
Buddha Sasana,
studying at Wat Wang
Khorn for two years,
and then continuing
his studies to the
Doctorate degree.As
he was just about to
enter the exams for
his qualifications,
he became very ill,
and was unable to
continue. He then
decided that he had
studied enough, and
that he should now
focus on Vipassana
Kammathana practice
and Wicha Akom, and
received training in
how to make and
empower magic charms
and amulets,
effigies and

He traveled to learn
Wicha from Luang Por
Sri Wiriya Sopat of
Wat Prang
(Singhburi), who is
said to have been
the greatest
Vipassana Kammathana
Master of the region
at that time. It was
here that Luang Por
learned the Wicha of
making magic rings.
This is belief is
supported by the
fact that Luang Por
Sri Wiriyas magic
rings had the Khom
Letters ‘Idti’
inscribed, which are
also found to be
present on magic
rings from Luang Por
Guay. Luang por
continued to gather
Mastery in various
other magical Wicha
from Luang Por Sri
Wiriya. After this,
he traveled to stay
at Wat Nong Dta
Gaew, in Koke Chang,
planted a Samor tree
at this temple,
which can still be
seen standing there
where he planted it
to this day. Luang
Por Saman once went
to stay at Wat Nong
Dta Gaew, and took a
cockerel and placed
it in Luang Por
Guays tree (chickens
sleep in trees).
Apparently, the
Cockerel refused to
sleep all night in
this tree. Nobody
knows what kind of
Wicha Luang Por Guay
placed into the
tree, but for a
Cockerel to refuse
to sleep when it is
sitting in its most
natural sleeping
habitat, reveals
that there was
something unnatural
about Luang Por
Guays tree. Luang
Por Guays powers
must have developed
rapidly because at
the time he planted
the tree, he was
only 32 years old
and had been a Monk
for 8 years..This
shows that Luang Por
Guay had attained
Magical abilities at
a very young age
already. He stayed
at Wat Nong Dta Gaew
for one year, and
then traveled on to
Wat Nong Khaem in
Sakburi (Chainat
Province), where he
remained for a
period of one year.
Whilst he was there,
he learned
traditional medicine
with Yome Buan, a
Lay Master from Ban
Nong Khaem, and he
then continued his
studies with Hmor
Yai in Ban Bang Nam
Pra, close by to Ban
Nong Khaem.At Wat
Nong Khaem, there
was another Bhikkhu
befriended with
Luanbg Por Guay, by
the name of Jaem.
One day, Pra Jaem
found an ancient
‘Samut Khoi’
(Grimoire in Bai Lan
parchment leaf), as
he was wandering.
But he was not able
to bring the book,
because it had some
kind of protective
spell or Deity
watching over it. So
Pra Jaem invited
Luang Por Guay to
come and have a
look. Whjen they
arrived at the tree
stump where the book
was hidden, Luang
Por Guay saw that
Pra jaem had told
the truth, the
Grimoire was indeed
there. There were signs of someone having brought flowers, incense and candles to make Bucha with to the Grimoire and placed them beneath the tree stump. So Luang Por Guay lit the candles and the incense, and prayed;
If the Devas who protect this book wish me to take it and preserve the Wicha, then let this incense stick burn out completely”.
But the incense stick did not burn completely, so Luang por Guay began again and this time said;
“If you let me take
the Dtamra with me,
I promise I shall
only use it for the
benefit of the
temple and help all
Sentient Beings”.This time, all three of the incense sticks burned completely to the ground. Luang Por then performed ‘Gruad Nam’ (the pouring of water to dedicate the fruits of ones merits to the dead – a story covered in Buddha Magic Issue 3), and dedicated the fruits of his merits to the Master of this Dtamra he had discovered, and the Deities who protected it. He then performed the ceremony to invite the Grimoire to come with him to the temple.
There was a story circulating after this, that someone once took the Dtamra home with them and put it in their room, but the household experienced much disaster, sickness and even death, so the person had taken it and placed it under the tree stump.
When he heard the story, Luang Por Guay opened the book and began to read it, and he found a passage which mentioned that it was forbidden to take into anybodys house at all, if not, there would be great loss and misfortune. Luang Por Guay then began to learn the various Yant and Wicha, memorizing and practicing the magic spells within the ancient Grimoire.
This is where he got a great deal of his powerful Wicha from. The Grimoire is still there at the temple. The cover says ‘Kroo Raeng’ in red on it.
Few people have been lucky enough to open this Dtamra, but It was written from someone who has opened it, that the Grimoire contains hundreds of Yant and magic Kata.
One extremely powerful Kata within the Grimoire is the “Pramontr Pra Putta Jao Chana Marn” (Mantra of the Buddha Conquering Mara), which is a spell so powerful that it is forbidden for a layperson to recite. This Montr Kata has both ways to perform white magic and also harmful black magic.
These ancient manuscripts are now in the Kuti hut of Ajarn Samruay (abbot of Wat Nong Khaem). Most of the books are at the temple, on a ‘Pan’ (offerng tray) beside the Hmoo Dto Bucha of Luang Por Samruay.
A couple of the books are kept in other temples too;
One book is in posession of Ajarn Hwian Kontamtong in his Kuti at Wat Ta Tong (Supannburi), another is in the care of Ajarn Dtua, and one book with Ajarn Sawaeng at Wat Nong Iduk (Chainat).
When Luang Por Guay left Wat Nong Khaem, he travelled on and stopped at Wat Bang Dta Hngay (Nakorn Sawan). As he was residing here, he went to learn Wicha from Luang Por Derm of Wat Nong Po. He learned how to make magical armbands and rings, Tagrud, and Meed Hmor, as well as many other peripheral Wicha and spells. He also learned the Wicha of healing broken bones from Luang Por Kane of Wat Dong Sethee (Utay Thani).
It is also believed that Luang Por Guay assembled many other Wicha which he gathered from various Ajarn who are not documented. This is believed to be substantiated by some tell-tale hints, such as the fact that Luang Por Guay made a Pra Yord Khunpol amulet which had a monk coin from Luang Por Gan inserted in the rear face, which suggests that he may have learnt Wicha from LP Gan and thus used his lockets to inset in his own amulets, as a sign of respect toward and faith in his Kroo.
Famous Master Monk, Luang Phu Pimpa, once said of Luang Por Guay that ‘Pra Guay he understands Magic perfectly – before he went to the North to learn their Wicha, he didn’t have any more power than your average monk, but after he returned from learning the Lanna Wicha (referring to his stay in Nakorn Sawan), he kept himself to himself, and spoke little. When he did speak however, it was evident that LP Guays mind was elevated, and that he had a gift of speech’.
It is strongly believed that LP Guay really did receive Wicha from LP Derm, because a fotograph of LP Derm with LP Derms handwriting to LP Guay was found in his Kuti. A Looksit of LP Guay remembers also that just after the second world war, LP Guay went to ask LP Derm to teach him the Wicha Tam Tong and the Wicha of Len Prae Taat (minerals and crystals/elements etc), but that at that time, Luang Por Derm did not show him.
The next news of Luang Por Guay returning to Wat Ban Kae (Wat Kositaram)
was officially recorded in 2484, which was when he began to make Sak Yant on the Looksit of Wat Ban Kae (Wat Kositaram). Luang Por Guays Sak Yant became so legendary, because a large number of the local folk had experienced multiple cases of being shot at and the gun either not firing, or the bullets not penetrating the skin.
This made people flock to the temple for Sak Yant tattoos from the surrounding areas, and the temple was overflowed with people all day and night. In the end, as Luang Por retired from Sak yant, he once commented to a Looksit that if he didn’t stop tattooing, then he could take 100 Baht notes and use them to tile the roof of his Kuti with! (a weeks wages back then may have been not more than a couple of Baht).
On the 1st September 2491, Luang Por Guay was elected Abbot of Wat Ban Kae. Luang Por Guay saw that the folk of Ban Kae were very poor and many people did not have enough to eat, and thus took up the practice of only eating one meal a day instead of the two before midday which are normally allowed for a Maha Nikaya Buddhist monk, in support of the people and to consume less. He would help the poor and needy and heal the sick, give Buddha amulets to those who needed some confidence and something to help them fight on in life, and try his best to improve the life of local Folk in general.
He was very loved for this by the local Folk. Luang Por was not a monk who liked to build things or develop, he liked simplicity and stillness. Even his Kuti was old ‘Song Thai’ (Thai style wooden house), that he had given the temple lay committee and some Looksit the task of building it to save money, and only hired special craftsmen for the most difficult pieces of the building. The temple thus only had old rickety Kuti huts and no fancy buildings except for the Uposadha shrine room, the Kuti Chudtintaro (memorial Kuti hut for LP Guay), and the Sala Tam Bun building.
On the 5th December 2511, Luang Por Guay received the honor of status of ‘Pra Kroo Chan Pratuan’.
Luang Por Guay passed away, on the 12 April 2522 at the age of 75 years old. He passed on in peaceful recline. The year before he died, he fell ill, and was carried to Paya Tai hospital for examination. The examining Doctor concluded that Luang Por Guay was suffering from food deficiency since over 30 years, and gave him some protein supplements for a period of a whole month, which turned out to still not be enough for his physical needs.
But when Luang Por returned to the temple, he continued his habit of eating only one meal a day without paying attention to the warnings. It seemed that since his return from hospital though, that his casting of magic spells and empowerment of amulets had become even more effervescent and intense. He seemed very strong physically as far as outside appearances went. In the year 2522, Luang Por wrote down two notes in his calendar;
Pra Luang Por Guay marked the day he would become ill with blue pen, and the day he died was marked in red pen. The days were the 11th March, and the 11th April 2522 BE. Luang Por had written the Pra Kata Namo Dta Bord, and the words “I Pra Guay Na Dtandto Namo Dtandti Dtandti Dtandto Namo Dtan Dtan – will die on the 11th April
at 7:55”.
As the 11th came nearer, Luang Por Guay fell ill, but it was not possible to detect any fever or recognizable illness – he could not eat, and would even spit his rice out and refuse any more, instead grabbing a piece of Tagrud and inscribing spells. In the night he would hold the Sai Sincana cord and empower amulets. He would inscribe lottery numbers on the palm of his hand, and sometimes show to Looksit with Choke Lap who came to pay last respects. As the tenth arrived, everybody came to await his passing, but on the 11th he was still alive.
Some of the temple committee suggested that his Kuti was full of magic and even images of the Kroo, perhaps no Deities could enter to take him. So they moved Luang Por Guay to the chanting room, where he opened his eyes in farewell for the last time, placed his hands together, and then, something amazing happened; The temple bell fell down from where it was hanging, and crashed to the floor ringing out loud with a resounding echo. The Looksit then realised that Luang Por Guay had passed on in this moment, and tuned to look at the time. It was exactly 7:55 am on the 12th April.
The 12th of April every year is the date for paying reverence to Luang Por Guay at Wat Kositaram, where Looksit gather each year to pray to Luang Por Guay and ask for his blessings to continue to protect them and improve their lives.
龙婆贵大师,在Wat Bankae佛寺(Wat
Ord, Mai Yaa, Mai
Yak, Mai Jon, Mai
Tam Gua Kun, Mai Jon